In this Influencer Interview series, I will ask some of my favorite influencers how they started their blogging & Instagram careers PLUS the tips & tricks they have for anyone who wants to become an influencer, themselves. So read on to figure out how YOU can become an influencer!
When did you start Instagramming/blogging?

I believe it was summer 2013 and looking back they are the most terrible pictures but I thought I looked super cool hahahah. But at least it gets to show if you wanna grow an audience you need to work steady and constantly, success doesnt come in weeks.
Is this your full-time job?

It used to be but I am young, I don’t have much professional background & I’ve always loved marketing so I am working part time with other brands helping them with social media, digital marketing content creation. Trying to juggle instagram with a part time job isn’t the best situation but I feel it is what I need to do at the moment.
What is your favorite part about the Instagram/blog life?

The amount of love and support you get and how creative you can get, to do what you love, letting your creative self go crazy and getting so much love from that it is something I never thought I would experience. I also love what a wonderful community you can find and the lots of amazing creators I’ve met through this platform.
What is the #1 tip for Instagramming/blogging you want to share?

Don’t stop even if you feel discouraged if you work steady success will come. & don’t focus on numbers, cause you will always think that number is not enough and it doesn’t matter in the end, it will always make your work harder and miserable. My tip is to do what you love, don’t copy a certain style because it is trendy now, do your own thing and you will attract people being who you genuinely are.
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Stay tuned for another influencer interview coming soon!